How to Write a Professional Decline Quotation Email Sample

Crafting a decline quotation email can be a sensitive task that requires a careful approach. A professional decline quotation email conveys respect and maintains relationships by clearly explaining the refusal while providing essential details. Effective communication through this email type is vital for maintaining trust with clients and partners, as it influences future interactions. Utilizing a well-structured template can streamline the process and ensure that all necessary points are addressed. For insights on crafting effective email communications, check out this guide on how to ask for credentials politely in email.

Best Structure for Decline Quotation Email

Declining a quotation might not be the most fun part of your job, but it’s often necessary. Whether you’re turning down a proposal due to budget constraints, not finding the right fit, or any other reason, it’s important to handle it delicately and professionally. Here’s a straightforward structure to guide you in crafting the perfect decline quotation email.

To make your email clear and respectful, you can follow this structure:

  1. Subject Line:
  2. This is your first impression, so keep it brief and direct. You could write something like:

    • “Regarding Your Quotation”
    • “Response to Your Quotation Request”
    • “Thank You for Your Quotation”
  3. Greeting:
  4. Start with a friendly greeting. If you have a specific contact person, addressing them by name helps personalize the message.


    • “Hi [Name],”
    • “Hello [Name],”
  5. Thank Them:
  6. It’s always nice to express gratitude for their effort. A simple thank you can go a long way.


    “Thank you for sending over your quotation. I appreciate the time and effort you put into it.”

  7. State the Decision:
  8. Be clear about your decision but keep it polite. You don’t need to go into too much detail, but a brief explanation can help.


    “After careful consideration, we have decided not to move forward with your proposal. Unfortunately, it doesn’t align with our current budget constraints.”

  9. Provide Feedback (Optional):
  10. If you think it’s appropriate, sharing a bit of constructive feedback can be appreciated. Just ensure it’s delivered gently.


    “We felt that while your services are of great quality, the pricing was a bit higher than we anticipated.”

  11. Leave the Door Open:
  12. Ending on a positive note can keep the relationship intact. Let them know you appreciate their work and might consider them in the future.


    “We would love to keep your information on file for future projects as our needs evolve.”

  13. Closing:
  14. Wrap it up with a friendly sign-off that suits your style. Here are some examples:

    • “Best regards,”
    • “Sincerely,”
    • “Thanks again,”
  15. Your Name and Position:
  16. Always add your name and your position to the email to keep it professional.

Here’s how it might all look in a tidy email format:

Part Example
Subject Line “Response to Your Quotation Request”
Greeting “Hi John,”
Thank Them “Thank you for sending over your quotation. I appreciate the time and effort you put into it.”
State the Decision “After careful consideration, we have decided not to move forward with your proposal.”
Provide Feedback “While your services are of great quality, we felt the pricing was a bit higher than we anticipated.”
Leave the Door Open “We would love to keep your information on file for future projects.”
Closing “Best regards,”
Your Name and Position “Jane Doe, HR Manager”

Sample Decline Quotation Emails

Declining a Quotation Due to Budget Constraints

Dear [Vendor’s Name],

Thank you for submitting your quotation for our recent project. We appreciate your time and effort in preparing the proposal. However, after careful consideration, we have decided not to proceed with your quotation at this time due to budget constraints.

We value our relationship and hope to explore opportunities in the future. Thank you once again for your understanding.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

Declining a Quotation Due to Alternative Choices

Dear [Vendor’s Name],

Thank you for providing your quotation for our service needs. We sincerely appreciate your offer; however, we have decided to move forward with an alternative vendor that better meets our current requirements.

We wish you all the best and hope to keep in touch for potential future collaborations.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

Declining a Quotation Due to Timing Issues

Dear [Vendor’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. We appreciate your detailed quotation and the effort you put into it. After discussing internally, we realized that the timing does not align with our project schedule, and we will have to decline your offer for now.

We truly value your partnership and will reach out if our timelines shift or if new opportunities arise.

Thank you for your understanding.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

Declining a Quotation Due to Quality Concerns

Dear [Vendor’s Name],

Thank you for your recent quotation. While we appreciate the details provided, we have decided to decline your proposal based on our assessment of the quality standards that we require for this project.

We hope this feedback helps in your future proposals, and we look forward to any potential collaborations in areas where our needs may align better.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

Declining a Quotation Due to Overlapping Services

Dear [Vendor’s Name],

Thank you for the quotation you submitted. We value your services; however, we have realized that your offerings closely overlap with our current vendor’s services, resulting in a decision to decline your proposal for this particular instance.

We appreciate your understanding and hope to consider your services for different projects down the line.

Warmest regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

Declining a Quotation Due to Internal Policy Changes

Dear [Vendor’s Name],

Thank you for your quotation and the information provided. We greatly admire your work; however, due to recent changes in our internal policies, we are unable to accept your proposal at this time.

We hope you will understand and look forward to the possibility of collaborating in the future once we have reassessed our policies.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

Declining a Quotation for Unspecified Reasons

Dear [Vendor’s Name],

We would like to extend our gratitude for the submission of your quotation. While we appreciate the effort that went into your proposal, we must unfortunately decline your quotation for this project without going into specific details.

We hope to keep in touch and explore future opportunities together.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

How should a business professionally decline a quotation request via email?

A business should maintain professionalism when declining a quotation request through email. The email should begin with a courteous acknowledgment of the request received. The message should clearly state the decision to decline the quotation, providing a concise rationale for the decision without going into excessive detail. The business should express appreciation for the opportunity to review the request. Finally, the email should offer an invitation to reach out for potential future collaborations, ensuring an amicable tone is kept throughout.

What are the key components of an email declining a quotation?

An email declining a quotation should include several key components for clarity and professionalism. The subject line should reflect the nature of the email, such as “Response to Quotation Request.” The opening should address the requester respectfully. The body should contain a clear statement of decline, a brief reason for the decision, and a note of appreciation for their time and effort. The email should conclude with an invitation for future business opportunities and a polite closing statement to reinforce goodwill.

Why is it important to respond to a quotation request, even when declining?

Responding to a quotation request, even when declining, is important for maintaining professional relationships. A prompt response demonstrates respect for the requester’s time and effort. Providing a clear explanation for the decision helps prevent misunderstandings and fosters transparency. Acknowledging the request shows appreciation for the opportunity to engage with the potential partner. Ultimately, a thoughtful response leaves the door open for future interactions, which can be beneficial for both parties in the long run.

And there you have it! Crafting a decline quotation email doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Just remember to keep it polite and professional, and don’t shy away from expressing gratitude for the opportunity. Thanks for reading! I hope you found this helpful, and if you have any other questions or need more tips, feel free to drop by again later. Looking forward to seeing you around!